The Selection Groups Tab

Click here for a selection groups template.

Use the Selection Groups tab to view and manage selection groups. Selection groups are containers that link the selection of one opportunity to the selection of another opportunity:

Mutually Exclusive Groups – only one group member can be selected, all others are excluded.

  • Excluded Opportunities are not available for selection in later time-steps.

Mutually Inclusive Group – all group members are selected if a member is selected.

  • Selections are made in the same time-period as the independent Opportunity.

Expand a Group row in the table to view the members of the group.

Click image to expand or minimize. 

Group Constraints

Constraints on active groups flow down to all group members

  • Group constraints override Selection Constraints for individual Opportunities
    • Opportunity Constraints and Group Constraints can be modeled at the same time. Group Constraints take precedence over Opportunity Constraints.
    • Individual Opportunity Constraints are applied if the group is disabled or if group constraints are disabled.
  • Group Constraints are entered at the group level and affect all active members of the group.
  • Min/Max values are applied to all group members, not between group members. I.e., a Max = 2 in a constraint means that selected members can be selected up to 2 times, not that up to 2 of 3 group members can be selected.
  • Timing of selections can be controlled using Min/Max values in time periods in the grid.

To control group-level constraints:

  1. Select Disable Group to disable the mutually exclusive/inclusive behaviour of group member selection. Selection Constraints on Opportunities is enabled.
  2. Select Disable Group Limits to only disable the Group Constraints, while maintaining the mutually exclusive/inclusive behaviour of group member selection. Selection Constraints on individual Opportunities is enabled.>
  3. To control group membership for an Opportunity, select Disable Membership. Selection Constraints on the Opportunity are enabled.

Click image to expand or minimize.